07.05.2024, Tallinn
This Public Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is concluded between
SynbeautyAcademy OÜ, a company established and operating under the laws of Estonia, with its registered address at 10152 Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Vesivärava tn 50-301, Registry code: 16989131 (hereinafter referred to as the "
Service Provider"), and any individual or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the "
Client") who accepts this public offer (Offer) by paying for the Service Provider's services.
1. SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT1.1. The Service Provider undertakes to provide the Client with information and consulting services in the field of self-care and cosmetic procedures, namely the "Anatomy of Aging" seminar (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), selected by the Client, and the Client undertakes to pay for these services. 1.2. The list and types of Services, schedule, and other essential information for the provision of services are indicated by the Service Provider on the Website http://www.synbeautyacademy.com/ or in the invoice for payment. 1.3. The Services are provided by the Service Provider online, by providing access to video and other materials within the timeframes stipulated in this contract. Calls are conducted using special programs/applications. 1.4. The moment of service provision is the granting of access to video and other materials after payment by the Client. The moment of consultation is holding according to the schedule specified at the time of purchase, regardless of the Client's ability to attend the consultation. The service is not possible to rescedule and access is not extended if it is impossible to use the service for reasons beyond the control of the Service Provider. 1.5. The start and end times of calls, online meetings, and other events are indicated in the time zone of Tallinn. 1.6. Within the framework of the services provided, the Service Provider provides its professional opinion, taking into account its available experience and knowledge. The Client is solely responsible for the results of their activities and the implementation of the Service Provider's recommendations. The fact of service provision is the holding of an online call, the provision of information on the Client's questions. 1.7. The Service Provider reserves the right to make changes to the Contract, in connection with which the Client is obliged, before receiving the Services, to familiarize themselves with the current version of the Contract and other information. 1.8. By agreeing to the terms of this Contract, the Client confirms that they are 18 years of age at the time of purchase.
2. PROCEDURE FOR CONCLUDING THE CONTRACT2.1. This Contract is a public contract under Estonian law. 2.2. The placement of this Contract on the Website or the provision of a link for familiarization is a public offer (Offer) of the Service Provider to conclude this Contract, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons. 2.3. The Contract is concluded by the Client's accession to the proposed Contract, that is, by the Client's acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this Contract as a whole, without any conditions, exceptions, or reservations. 2.4. The fact of acceptance (acceptance) by the Client of the terms of this Contract is the payment by the Client of the selected Service in the manner and under the conditions determined by this Contract. 2.5. This Contract, subject to compliance with the procedure for its acceptance (acceptance), is considered concluded in simple written form.
3. PROCEDURE FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES3.1. The Service Provider provides services in the form of providing access to one of the author's courses (a program of interconnected elements in the form of audio, video, and other materials, online meetings), the description of which is posted by the Service Provider on the Website or in its social networks. 3.2. After making payment or prepayment, the Client is granted limited-time access to the Platform in the form of a login and password for a period of 3 to 6 months (depending on the selected Tariff). The login and password are confidential and not subject to disclosure to third parties. If, during the provision of services, entry by login and password from different devices and different IP addresses is established, the Service Provider has the right to close access to the materials and terminate the provision of services, terminating the contract without prior notice to the Client. The payment received is not refundable and is credited towards a penalty for copyright infringement. Simultaneous viewing by telephone and computer belonging to the Client is allowed. 3.3. All materials are provided to the Client for personal use, transfer to third parties is not allowed. 3.4. The duration of the Services (course) is not increased and the Service is not postponed if the violation of the terms of service provision occurred through the fault of the Client. 3.5. The Service Provider is not responsible for the impossibility or poor-quality provision of the service due to the Client's lack of necessary software or technical problems with the Internet. 3.6. Based on the results of the provision of the Service and successful (completion of at least 80% of the tasks) completion by the Client of the corresponding course, the Service Provider issues the Client a document (not an official document) on mastering the course program. 3.7. In any case, the result of the services provided depends on the implementation of the recommendations by the Client, as well as on the state of health and each individual organism. The Service Provider does not give any guarantees related to the state of health or certain changes, any information provided is of an educational informational nature.
4. COST AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE4.1. The cost of services and possible payment methods are determined based on the Services selected by the Client and are indicated by the Service Provider on the Website or in the invoice for payment. 4.2. Payment is made in euros or other currency (for non-residents of Estonia) in accordance with the exchange rate of the Bank of Estonia on the day of payment to the Service Provider's current account by making 100% prepayment of the Service agreed upon by the Client no later than 3 (Three) calendar days before the start date of the Services indicated on the Website. 4.3. Monthly Services are calculated according to the calendar month. 4.4. The paid cost of the Services can be returned to the Client if the Client refuses to participate in classes due to personal circumstances no later than 5 days before the start of the provision or the provision periods can be changed by agreement of the Parties. 4.5. The Client's refusal from this Contract is possible before the provision of access to the materials. If the Client did not declare such a refusal before the moment of granting access, the return of the paid cost is not made. If the Client, during the provision of services, declares the termination of the contract, while part of the services has not been provided (access has not been received to all materials), the return is made in proportion to the services provided in the following order: You can determine the order for each tariff or specify the cost of lessons 4.6. The payment date is the date of receipt of funds into the Service Provider's account. 4.7. In the event of unforeseen circumstances (illness, accident, etc.), which make it impossible to fulfill this Contract, by agreement of the parties, the term of service provision may be postponed. 4.8. The Service Provider may unilaterally change the cost of services by sending a new Tariff cost to the Client by e-mail or other programs 7 calendar days before their introduction. At the same time, the cost of previously paid Services is not subject to change. 4.9. The Client is solely responsible for the correctness of the payments they make and the payment of taxes applicable to them. In case of a refund in a foreign currency, the exchange rate of the Bank of Estonia on the day of payment is applied. 4.10 If the product (service) was paid for by a bank card through the website, then the refund is made to the card from which the payment was made. The term for receiving funds on the card is from 1 to 30 days from the moment of the refund by the Service Provider.
5. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES5.1. The Service Provider has the right: 5.1.1. Request and receive from the Client the information necessary for the qualitative and timely provision of services. 5.1.2. Contact the Client with proposals to change or clarify the content of the services if, in the opinion of the Service Provider, this will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the results of the services provided for the Client. 5.1.3. Use the services of any individuals and legal entities for the purpose of timely and qualitative fulfillment of obligations under the Contract. 5.1.4 Not to start providing the Services until the moment of their payment by the Client, and also to terminate the Contract unilaterally if full payment for the Services did not occur. 5.1.5. Suspend the provision of services on its own initiative on official holidays in the Client's country or the location of the Service Provider, having previously warned the Client about this by sending messages by e-mail or notifying the Client by phone no later than 2 calendar days before such circumstances
5.1.6. The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally make changes and additions to this Contract, about which the Client is considered duly notified from the moment a link to familiarize themselves with the Contract is provided or from the moment of posting on the Website. 5.1.7. Provide discounts and promotional offers at its discretion, posting information and terms of provision on the Website or in its social networks. 5.1.8. Terminate the Client's access to the support chat without refunding the paid amount in case of violation of ethical rules, transition to insults, spam (posting messages and materials not related to the topic of materials and services); 5.1.9. Refuse to provide Services on its own initiative in case of the Client's unfair fulfillment of the Service Provider's recommendations and requirements for completing the course or in case of other circumstances. In this case, the payment received by the Service Provider for the unrendered services will be returned in full to the current account specified by the Client within 10 business days from the moment the Client is notified. 5.1.10. Refuse to fulfill the Contract, in connection with which it is released from any liability, in case the Client provides unreliable or incomplete information or documents and information that are essential for the fulfillment of obligations under this Contract. Payment in this case is not returned to the Client but is a penalty for violating the terms of the Contract. 5.2. The Service Provider is obliged: 5.2.1. Provide the Services to the Client properly within the established timeframes in accordance with the terms of this contract. 5.2.2. Immediately notify the Client of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances that may affect the scope and quality of the Services provided by posting current information on the Website or in their social networks no later than one calendar day before the start of the Services. 5.3. The Client has the right: 5.3.1. Familiarize themselves with the terms of service. 5.3.2. Provide the Service Provider with documents and other data for the qualitative provision of services. 5.3.3. Demand confidentiality regarding the documents and other data transmitted to the Service Provider. 5.4. The Client is obliged: 5.4.1. Pay for the Service Provider's services within the timeframes specified in the Contract or in the invoice for payment. 5.4.2. Familiarize themselves on the Website, in social networks or via the provided link with the terms of the Contract and monitor their updates. 5.4.3. Conscientiously fulfill the tasks and recommendations of the Service Provider during the provision of the Services. 5.4.4. Independently pay for related services of third parties (including communication services, internet, etc.) necessary to receive services under this contract. 5.4.5. Observe the copyrights of the Service Provider, not use for commercial purposes and not transfer to third parties information, methods, audio, and video materials received from the Service Provider.
6. COPYRIGHT6.1. All materials on the Website and the elements listed in clause 3.1 of the Contract are the subject of copyright under the Estonian Copyright Act. 6.2. The Service Provider owns personal non-property and property rights to copyright objects, including reproduction, temporary transfer, and distribution. Under this Contract, the Service Provider transfers to the Client only the right to use the selected and paid Service, without the right to distribute it to any third parties. 6.3. Any unauthorized transfer by the Service Provider to third parties of copyright objects received under this Contract entails administrative (under Art. 9.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Estonia) or criminal (under Art. 201 of the Penal Code of Estonia) liability. 6.4. The liability provided for in clause 6.3 does not release the Client from obligations to compensate for losses caused by the infringement of the Service Provider's copyrights.
7. LIABILITY7.1. Liability for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the Contract is determined in accordance with the legislation of the country of the Service Provider's location (Estonia). 7.2. If additional Services are provided to the Client as an addition or incentive, the Client is not entitled to demand monetary compensation for such Services, including in the event of their non-conduct for any reason or in case of the Client's refusal to receive such additional classes. 7.3. The Service Provider is not responsible for the non-fulfillment and (or) improper fulfillment by the Client of recommendations and tasks received during the provision of services, and is also not responsible for possible or actual financial losses of the Client due to an error or non-compliance with the recommendations of the Service Provider by the Client or the Client's employee. 7.4. The parties are not responsible for full or partial non-fulfillment by them of their obligations under this contract if such non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances, namely: floods, other natural disasters, military actions, decrees and decisions of state authorities, pandemics, or other events.
7.5. For copyright infringement, the Client bears the following liability:
- Unauthorized transfer of access to materials to third parties - payment to the Service Provider of a penalty in the amount of 100 base amounts;
- Copying materials and (or) its distribution in any way - payment to the Service Provider of a penalty in the amount of 1000 base amounts;
- Posting any element of materials on the Internet or social networks - payment to the Service Provider of a penalty in the amount of 100 base amounts.
7.6. All disputes or disagreements arising between the parties under this contract or in connection with it are resolved through negotiations between them. The party whose right is violated sends to the other party a written claim (demand) by e-mail. If within 15 (fifteen) calendar days the Party who sent the claim did not receive a response to it, and also if within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the moment of receiving the first response to the claim the parties did not reach any agreements, then the party whose right is violated is entitled to apply to the court at the location of the Service Provider to protect their right.
8. PROCEDURE FOR DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICES RENDERED8.1. Based on the results of the provision of services, the Service Provider draws up a unilateral Act of Services Rendered (in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Estonia). The Act is drawn up by the Service Provider on the day of service provision or monthly, no later than the 5th day of the month following the reporting month. The Act is sent to the Client at their request by e-mail and has the force of the original. 8.2. In the event that the Client has claims regarding the quality of the services provided, they are obliged to immediately notify the Service Provider's representative about this, indicating the defects. The Service Provider is obliged to eliminate the defects that arose through their fault within 2 (Two) calendar days from the moment of receiving the claim unless they prove that the specified defects arose not through their fault.
9. FINAL PROVISIONS9.1. All correspondence, notices, and notifications received by electronic means of communication and at the e-mail addresses specified in this Contract or Application as the parties' details are considered delivered to the addressee in the proper form. 9.2. If any of the conditions of this Contract loses legal force, is recognized as illegal, or is excluded from this Contract, this does not invalidate the remaining conditions of this Contract. 9.3. The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract in case of violation by the Client of the norms of morality and ethics, insults to other participants or the Service Provider, violation of the legislation of Estonia, inadequate behavior of the Client (aggression, spam, self-promotion, political disputes, etc.). In case of such termination, funds for the Service are not returned but are considered a penalty for violating the terms of this contract. 9.4. The Service Provider does not process personal data of payers provided for making settlements through third parties, does not store data of bank cards of payers on its resources, including servers, cloud technologies, etc.
10. DETAILSSynbeautyAcademy OÜ
10152 Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Vesivärava tn 50-301, Registry code: 16989131
VAT ID EE102757125
synbeautyschool@gmail.comBank details will be provided upon request.